Saturday, 9 November 2013

2013, The year, the changes...

I kicked off the year with a stable 60% lung function, still partying every weekend, 
still going strong - I found my current love in January while I was 
out clubbing with my best friend, Morgan - who also has cystic fibrosis. 
My boyfriend; Jordan, made it official for us in march but little did I know, this was 
the month my life would start to change.

Continuing still, parties and excessively drinking.  My health was slowly deteriorating. 
It was early May when my doctors had decided it was time for another admission -
My first admission however at Royal Prince Alfred and my first proper admission in 18 months. 
My lung function hit an all time low of 48% - scaring the life out of me, 
I knew the party was over. My admission was for 2 weeks, on discharge I only received 
a 4% improvement of lung function - despite all the hard work and medication.  

August 2013. 
Jordan and I had booked a holiday to Phuket Thailand for October. 
By this time, I had fallen completely and whole-heartedly in love with 
this man and thought it was completely appropriate to think about future plans with him. 
I had another admission in this month, although my best friend was in Europe for
3 long months - she was still supporting me best she could from the other side of
the world. My lung function had hit another new low, 39%. 
How was this possible? 
All of a sudden. How did I not see this coming?

I left hospital just under 2 weeks later with a dissatisfying lung function of 44%. 
This is not where I wanted my life to be going at a young 19 years old. 

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