Tuesday 19 November 2013

Holding on tight.

There's so many ways you can be broken in two but what if it was you who was breaking you in two... And you had no control? Nothing you do, nothing you say... Everything is beyond your control. They say life's a journey, but I wish my path wasn't the one to be worn. How do I stop? How do I turn around? Go back? Turn in a different direction? Guess it's a one way highway and I've come way to far now... May as well just keep going. 

What do you do when you feel like you're drowning while watching everyone breathe at the same time?  

Another day - not feeling the love from my beloved disease. More blood gasses, more x-rays, more doctors, more oxygen, more observations. But whatever. I'm done with it and come to the conclusion that whatever will be, will be. 

Such is life. 

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