Friday 15 November 2013

Day 2

It's 11.51pm on day 2 of my hospital admission - things are getting tougher but I never said I was getting weaker.

Current lung function percentage: 30%

Another all time new low. Another slap to the face, another tear shed about the same thing, another day that I have lived through despite the new struggles that have come my way.
Today I received confirmation from my doctor, Professor. By that this will be my last admission before the doctors make a definite decision to whether it's my time to be worked up and evaluated to have double lung transplant. Something I have been avoiding to hear all my life.
Every time the topic of transplant comes up in a conversation with a medical professional it freaks me out and I feel like running for the hills. 

So what, today wasn't the greatest but it doesn't mean tomorrow won't be better. Things take time and good things come to those who wait. I can be patient. 

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